Self inflicted

You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.

Buddha app

Location location location

There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way and not starting.

Buddha App

Buddha App

"Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds."

less waste please

"You may have heard that there is a large island of trash floating in the Pacific Ocean. This is actually just one of the trash islands on the planet."

We are in a large part made of water; so is the surface of the beautiful planet we call home.
This lovely ocean has currents which create movement like our blood streams to keep things going! However, within the ocean there are locations (in the middle of the gyre circles) where debry is pushed. That is where our massive amounts of waste finds its way. It's inevitable and not all from malice intent. It comes with the territory of making so much trash.

So what can we do about it? Re Use items more and take the extra step of bringing a Tupperware from home when possible, bringing your own measured thermos to the slurped machine, air drying your hands, get creative!!

Ps. Don't go looking for pictures unless you're ready to see some un happy animals, it's ugly and sad and we can prevent some of it.

May all beings have clean drinking water and a healthy place to swim.

Lily Tomlin

"I always wanted to be somebody....but I should have been more specific."

Hummingbird feeder

Shines in light and holds nectar for winged friends :)

Happy Buddha

“With sufficient practice, we all have the capacity to live happier lives,” he says. “Mental training is something I envision as being as important as physical training to maintain our physical health,” and with it, he emphasizes, comes an increased ability to treat our fellows “with compassion and kindness.”

Rise and Shine

Three things can not be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.

Buddha app

'Do or Don't'

Bringing enough to share.

Assuming someone else will.

Sincere Heart in the right direction

"If you have a sincere and open heart, you naturally feel self-worth and confidence, and there is no need to be fearful of others. If you have this basic quality of kindness or good heart, then all other things, education, ability will go in the right direction."

-The Dalai Lama

Oh the choices we make

Wisdom speaks

"The need for love lies at the very foundation of human existence."

Dalai Lama

transform anger, make it love


"that without which nothing can stand"
'It is difficult to provide a single concise definition for dharma, as the word has a long and varied history and straddles a complex set of meanings and interpretations.'

~cosmic law~



Fire Light

Duirwaigh card.
Amber lotus publishing.

Good for clarity

"To keep the body in good health is a duty. Otherwise we will not be able to keep the mind strong and clear."

-Buddha App-


"Chaos is inherent in all compound things. Strive on with diligence."

-Buddha App-

Leaving Limited for Far-Reaching

"If by giving up limited pleasures one sees far-reaching happiness, the wise one leaves aside limited pleasures, looking to far reaching happiness."


Thank u for participating

There are those others,
I call those others a me,
They all stand within.

Meditative Haiku for
The art and poses done,

In Amma's Own Words

"Love one another without any expectations. Then, there is no need to go anywhere in search heaven."

God is love

"She asks nothing but gives everything.
No collection plate is passed. There is nothing to join. She does not ask that we reconstruct our beliefs or pledge allegiance to her or her organization.
Members of any faith are welcome and encouraged to excel in their own chosen paths. The Holy mother will help them.
This is truly an event in human history that is without precedent. Ammachi is pure unconditional love incarnate. And what is love?..."

From Mystic Christ, Ethan Walker III

Analyze oneself honestly

"Everyone should honestly, without egotistical bias, analyze himself; and if he is right, he should hold to his joy-producing righteous actions un influenced by either praise or blame. But if one is wrong, he should be glad of the opportunity to correct himself and thus remove one more obstacle to lasting happiness."

-the yoga of Jesus-
Paramahansa Yogananda

KISMET, muah!

Kismet is a word meaning fate or destiny, a predetermined course of events. Of Arabic origin, the word spread to Persian and Turkish where, as kısmet, it commonly means "luck". Currently found in a number of languages, including Bulgarian, Macedonian, Albanian, Arabic, and Hindi. The first recorded use of the word in English was by Edward Backhouse Eastwick who used the word, spelled kismat, in his 1849 novel Dry Leaves from Young Egypt.


'Lover of the Light' - Mumford and Sons

'I will wait for You' - Mumford and Sons

imagine dragons - bleeding out

Sins are Mistakes Only
they consists of that which does not go with the path to uplift oneself or others, also known as a mistake, not some horrible thing, just being human and learning to help when possible is the way

More fun

"Where is fancy bread; in the heart or in the head"


"We are the music makers and we are the dreamer of dreams"


"One should never doubt what nobody is sure about."



I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them if they fail to act.
-Buddha app-

Open when ready

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud became more painful than the risk to become a blossom."

Anais Nin


Watching the Breath
Eases the mind
Then you can be
Gentle and kind.

Naomi C. Rose

Thanks for sharing EK
and little Buddhas yoga