26 to go

26 to go
mature monday art
"back in the day...when I was young I'm not a kid anymore but some days I wish I was a kid again"
a collaborative art show with Lara Sophia and Lacey Bryant from YEARS ago
held at barefoot coffee back in the day
when all was bright and loud and colorful
ahh, my eyes!


added some new features to the ol' blog page, we'll see if i can get a reaction outta y'all :)
posts now have options!

Uploaded Art

art thoughts

sometimes making art is frustrating, sometimes I draw more realistic, sometimes less, sometimes with pencil, pen or markers, sometimes mixed media, but i know i draw and observe and place my experiences into the lines that i put on paper, thank you trees




both these sites are connected and get updated at the same time, very cool


fine tuning details...

although I only post the nude drawings here (in order to avoid the extra step elsewhere of being labeled inappropriate) you've been warned, the mature section means mature people, thank you and enjoy or avoid as you please :) It's all artistic here, just so you know...

my friend Beanie



I'm teaching art lessons!
You must live in the bay area of California to be considered.
e: Lara4art (at) yahoo (dot) com

       subject: art lessons, your name!
within email: your name, email, phone number, where you live, what type of art you are interested in, what are your goals and aspirations with your art?

Thank you so much for your inquiries!

Lara Sophia

I shall guide you in learning to harness your artistic abilities
and how to be patient with the process.


Currently at 22 of 108 naked lady drawings. The goal is to do 108 by the end of the year.
If I draw a couple every day, a few every other day the goal looks good to complete. The main point is to practice drawing the human form.