Very Nice Reception

Hi All: Lacey and I had a very nice reception. Thank you to everyone who showed up and all our friends who will stop by and have stopped by to see the art this month. We really appreciate it. :)

Even before the Reception!

A Small piece sold at the OH SHEET show volume 2 at Barefoot Coffee Roasters!
We don't know which piece right now because we hadn't taken pictures yet but it was one of Lacey's little ink drawings in the tiny frames.

+the flying artistas+
Also another collaborative piece someone claimed they wanted to buy..but that doesn't mean anything until its paid for. Although thanks again for calling the possible buyer Jared. Very exciting :)
Reception Dec. 13th 6pm!

In Lacey News:

In Lacey News:
Lacey was super awesome at South First Fridays and also got a spot at the Kaleid Gallery in San Jose! Woo hoo! Good job Lacey!

OH SHEET Volume 2 is UP!

"Lacey and I hung the "OH SHEET, Volume 2" Show!
Come see all 7 sheet paintings and many smaller art pieces, all for sale!
Barefoot Coffee Roasters in Santa Clara Ca 5237 Stevens Creek Blvd
Reception: Dec 13th, 2008 6pm to 9pm
At Least Avery will be playing music, maybe other people too!

+Lara and Lacey+
The Flying Aristas!!!